
16th Feb.

Let me write about Yeaterday. It was the first day of school so first thing we did was introduce myself to the guy sits next to me and talked about differences between our contry and his country. Then what we have done next was that 14th was valentine day so we talked about that and also compared the differences between ours and others. At last, we introduced ourselves to the whole class. There were a lot of things to do in class and lots of homework. After school, we went to Macquarie Center and had much fun! I do not have any problems in class or at homestay so I feel really confortable in here. I hope I can enjoy more and I promise that I will not waste the experience which I am going to have!!

1 件のコメント:

  1. Dear Students,

    I am reading your blog entries from here in the BBL office at Rikkyo. It is clear but cold here, and I wish I was in warm summertime Australia! But I am a little worried--I saw lots of wild fires on TV over there. Are any of them near to Sydney? Can you smell smoke?

    One thing about the blog: when I read it, I can't tell who is writing. Please be sure to write your name! Also, I think it is possible to upload photos to your blog. Please put some pictures up. I want to see what you are doing there. Don't forget to visit the Sydney art museum. It is beautiful.

    Well, have a great time.

    Herbert Donovan
    (EAP teacher)
